When you create any new record in Dynamics 365, you will be automatically set as the Owner of that record.
Records can be assigned, and reassigned, to another user or team (of users) as and when required.
Ownership means the nominated TAFE employee is responsible for maintaining the information within EduRe and the relationship.
1. In a TAFE ‘wide’ Account, ownership has no relevance.
Business standard:
TAFE Queensland ‘owns’ ALL accounts.
1. Business is built on person to person relationships therefore someone needs to own a Contact.
2. All communication to the Contact should go through the TAFE Owner unless agreed by the TAFE Owner.
3. Relationship Development occurs and is captured at the contact level.
Business standard:
The Contact owner is responsible for all communication with the Contact.
If there is an Enquiry or a Business Opportunity that has come up, it should be brought to the attention Contact owner.
1. In TAFE Queensland, Commercial Business Development refers to EduRe Enquiries, Business Opportunities, Partnerships & Tenders.
2. Business Development Managers shall be responsible for:
a. Qualifying the Enquiry
b. Managing & Closing Business Opportunities & Tenders
Business standard:
The BDM may own a enquiry, opportunity or tender, it does not mean that they own the account
1. In TAFE Queensland, Commercial Business Delivery refers to EduRe Project Deliveries (aka contracts).
Business standard;
This person is responsible for the management of all commercial interaction for the delivery of the contract. I.e. tracking key milestones, funding, invoices, payments, customer satisfaction, etc.